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DROPS Forum - Aberdeen, 29th February 2012

Greg Reid opened the Forum and gave a Safety Brief. Many new faces were in the room and introductions were duly made. 

DROPS Update – Greg Reid, DROPS 
The recent DROPS updates are: 
MEMBERSHIP - Delighted to welcome following new members:

DROPS INTERNATIONAL : Our DROPS Asia Secretary, Joachim van der Muelen, has advised that he is moving on. We thank Joachim for all of his efforts and wish him every success in the future. Leong Weng Fei of Baker Hughes will assume the temporary role of focal point while the DROPS Asia steering committee restructure.
A follow-up Australian DROPS forum is presently being considered for Brisbane in response to several requests. Feasibility and planning is under discussion and any input or support is welcomed.

Kindly sponsored by Axess, the inaugural South American DROPS Forum will be held in Rio on Thursday April 19th. Please help us spread the word by sending details to your colleagues, customers and associates in the region. DROPS Training is also available after the Forum. 

DROPS USA have now established a regional DROPS charter and are planning an event in next few months. 

DROPS Middle East had a highly successful DROPS forum in Doha in December. They are about to publish their commitment charter / poster and their next event is being planned for Oman. 

DROPS TRAINING : Since last forum, DROPS Training and Awareness has been undertaken in South Africa and is presently underway in Ghana. Several sessions have been held at Silverdot and three client-specific training workshops have been undertaken. Training is planned to coincide with Brazil Forum in April.

DROPS Train-the-Trainer sessions will continue to be hosted through 2012 in UK at regular intervals – see website for details. The new DROPS Training and Awareness Primer has been issued to all via Campaign Pack Update. 

DROPS FORUMS : DROPS Forums will be held in the Marcliffe Hotel, Aberdeen on Thursday 26 April, Thursday 6 September and Thursday 6 December. 

A Norwegian Forum will be held in early June (date and venue TBA) Subject to demand a forum is being planned for Great Yarmouth in early October – a show of hands around the Forum indicated at least 10 attending members would be interested in this event. Further interest will be gauged and arrangements put in place as appropriate. Visit the website periodically for details of other international forums. 

INDUSTRY EXCHANGES : Following on from our exchanges with the Construction Sector, we presented DROPS to the Association of Electricity Producers at their annual HSE Forum and we anticipate significant knowledge sharing between us in the months ahead. 

FOCUS GROUPS : DROPS Training and Campaign Pack Update Focus Group have published the DROPS Training and Awareness Primer which was briefly shown to the Forum. The primer is in an editable PowerPoint format with detailed Presenters Notes embedded. The primer has been issued to all DROPS members and Campaign Pack subscribers via the annual campaign pack update. 2012 Focus Groups have been agreed and established (see later). 

DROPS CAMPAIGN PACK UPDATES : DROPS Campaign Pack Updates now being distributed. Special thanks to Derek Birse and Oil & Gas UK for allowing us to capture their cargo handling Best Practice and awareness in our update pack. (See Derek’s Presentation below). Our Campaign Pack update also includes DROPS Training Primer and all presentations, alerts, guidance, posters, documents and tools released over 2011. USB format now supersedes CD format for updates. DROPS Membership Certificates have also been prepared and issued to all members in their update packs.
Attending members were invited to pick up their update packs. All others have now been posted / carried in the usual manner. 

SAFETY ALERTS : Greg showed the latest MSF safety alert (click here to download MSF Safety Flash 12-08) where a supply boat pulled a platform crane overboard. The MSF representative agreed to provide further details of this incident at our next forum. Attendees were reminded that details of all alerts can be found on the website and we encourage you to send us details of any alerts, lessons learned or good practice relating to dropped objects.

Oil & Gas UK Cargo Handling Best Practice – Derek Birse, BOL 
Derek presented the latest OGUK Best Practice on Cargo Packaging and Handling. He gave a background on why the Workgroup was started and how it has evolved over the past ten years. This latest update has an enhanced section on dropped objects as it is still a major cause of incidents. Examples of dropped objects, snagging hazards and unsecured cargo were shown. The presentation also included some photos, including a severely corroded container that was about to be shipped offshore. The full presentation is available to download with the minutes. All DROPS member and Campaign Packs subscribers have now been issued with the pack, which includes the Best Practice in a pocket-book format and an accompanying CD that bears supporting documents, forms, and guidance along with the informative video presentation “Right Down the Line”. 

Follow this link to download the presentation. 
For further details on the Best Practice, please see the Oil and Gas UK Website 

Competence or Complacency? – Alistair Tong, ADC 
Alistair gave an overview of recurring problems ADC continues to witness throughout our industry. Many recent examples were shown of poor practice, unaddressed hazards, HiPo dropped objects etc. Alistair acknowledged the wealth of guidance, procedures, systems and tools at our disposal but questioned if more could be done to ensure the understanding and application of these resources and to assure the competence of those applying these resources. ADC has been active in providing training and hazard awareness sessions; they have developed a Dropped Object prevention element to their existing SQA Approved Virtual Academy. This e-learning package includes modules on defining a dropped object, identifying and assessing the hazard/risk, securing methods and a competency module complete with multiple choice assessment. The presentation is available to download with the minutes and Alistair has agreed to provide a demonstration of the actual e-learning package at our next forum. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. For further information, please see The ADC Virtual Academy website or email Alistair directly here. 

RFID/Electronic Tags – Donald Cumming, BG 

Donald asked the group about their experiences, if any, with RFID/Electronic tags. He is seeking an automated solution to prevent/detect lost or missing tools. Without reliance on human checks, the solution must also satisfy the standard offshore restrictions in respect of radio / electronic equipment. In the ensuing discussion, no-one could offer knowledge of such a system in operation in our sector but several attendees noted potential solutions from other industry sectors. They agreed to revert to Donald with details. Donald will update all at a future Forum.

Marine Safety Forum Update – Pat Dasgupta, Gulf Offshore 
Pat gave a thought provoking presentation that again highlighted dropped object incidents are still happening all too frequently in the marine sector. The MSF statistics show a steady rise in frequency from 2006 to date. In 2012 there have already been 10 incidents, projecting a 2012 total of 60 incidents which continues this upward trend. A breakdown of the incidents showed 69% occurred because Checks Failed. A variety of initiatives have been undertaken by MSF to help eliminate dropped objects but clearly more still needs to be done, particularly the need to change attitudes / behaviours. Pat’s presentation included a “rogue’s gallery” of many actual and potential dropped objects identified in recent months. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

DROPS Barriers – Paul Humphris, BLH Safety Solutions 
Paul gave a presentation on a novel safety guard / DROPS barrier concept that BLH Safety Solutions have developed. The guards are made from a polymer plastic formula and multi-fit to a wide variety of structures, such as handrails, scaffolding etc in order to prevent objects falling or passing and also to prevent access to moving or hazardous equipment. The barriers have a unique snap-lock system which means no bolts, screws or additional fasteners. The barriers also are anti-corrosive and cost effective as they need no on-going maintenance (ie checking for rust). They are recyclable and environmentally friendly. The product has been independently tested and certified to Australian standards and BLH are presently proving their product to UK and European standards. The product will be formally launched in the next few weeks and will be available to European markets shortly thereafter. Examples were handed out. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 
For further information, please visit BLH Safety Solutions. 

2012 Focus Group Workshop – Greg Reid, DROPS 
Greg gave an update on the agreed Focus Groups for 2012. 
The 2011 Focus Groups on DORIS, DROPS Training / Campaign Packs, Translations and Industry Exchange will carry on their good work into 2012. 
In addition to the above legacy Focus Groups, the following new focus areas are being introduced for 2012:

  • Reliable Securing Update and Technical Review Team
  • Dynamic DROPS - Identifying improvements*
  • Behavioural issues – Improving Performance with Behavioural change*

A fourth focus area (Ageing Assets) was discounted due to lack of volunteers but DROPS management will monitor Industry output on this subject with a view to the topic re-emerging as a DROPS focus area in 2013. 

Greg showed the current Volunteer list for each of these new Focus Groups and requested additional volunteers for the two latter Focus Groups (*). Volunteers should email the DROPS Global Secretary. 

The initial meeting for all new focus groups is scheduled for 0845 on Thursday 26 April 2012 at the Marcliffe Hotel pre-forum. The focus of these individual groups will be to set their objectives and initial actions and to nominate a Team Lead. 

Open Floor and Any Other Business
Greg thanked everyone for their participation and invited the attendees to offer any issues for further discussion in the open floor session. 

Next meetings 
DROPS Forum, Thursday 19 April 2012 0900-1215
Venue - Sheraton Barra Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
Host - Axess 

DROPS Forum, Thursday 26 April 2012 0945-1230
Venue - Marcliffe Hotel, Aberdeen 
Host - DROPS Global Steering Committee Members