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DROPS FORUM - Aberdeen UK, 12th April 2011

Greg Reid opened the Forum and gave a Safety Brief. Many new members and visitors were present and introductions were made.

Delighted to welcome following new members: Ocean IRM, Centrica, EDF Energy, Expro North Sea (all from UK), Tobias Safety Systems and Loadmaster Derrick Equipment (from USA), Puglisevich (Canada), Ropetec (South Africa) and BIS Industrier (Norway). We have also extended associate membership to SIWA of Western Australia (A non-profit making safety body). 

DROPS Global 
DROPS USA Forum is to be held on May 3rd. Thanks to Shell for hosting this event. DROPS Asia just held their latest Forum on April 6th in Singapore. We await their minutes which will be published on the website.

Following on from the inaugural DROPS Forum in the Middle East, Qatar Shell has kindly sponsored the next forum on May 19th in Doha. 

DROPS Training and Awareness has recently been undertaken in Oman (desert well sites), Dubai and presently in Newfoundland, Canada. Live training enquiries are being addressed for Sakhalin and NW Australia. Training will also be available in Houston and Doha to coincide with the USA and Middle East Forums, respectively. 

DROPS Forums 
Structure of Forums: Exploit venue availability before and after forum for Focus Groups; Revised Catering Arrangements. Assigning presentation slots to members (2 per forum). Volunteers for next Forum please? 
Forthcoming Events - Click here.

Note that the Danish Forum scheduled for Tuesday September 27th in Copenhagen has been cancelled. Details of an alternative forum will be published in due course.

Safety Alerts 
A number of Safety Alerts being presented today. All of these will be available for download on the website. As ever, please send us details of any relevant safety alerts or flashes. Send to 

2011 Activities 
New Focus Groups for 2011 will be discussed later today. DORIS Focus Group will continue its great work and Neil will present later. DROPS Training Update Focus Group will be bolstered with members of the original team that developed the training. 
Quick Hit Topics for 2011 include:

  • DROPS Summer Awareness Campaign
  • Pre-task Checklist identifying DROPS hazards in extreme conditions
  • Seek and publish definitive guidance on sheave / snatch block secondary retention
  • Seek and implement opportunities to translate DROPS products into other languages
  • Support SNS Pool DROPS Campaign for Marine / Logistics (presentation later)
  • Broaden DROPS contacts/membership and explore further cross-industry exchanges
  • Exploit opportunities to use the kindly donated static content from Shell Wells Dropped Object Prevention Awareness Campaign

BP Trends – Sean Young, BP
Sean’s presentation covered 5 year statistics of Dropped Objects occurring in the UK/Norwegian sector. What was clear is that there is a reduction in the amount of incidents but they still have an issue with Hi-potential incidents. There was also no clear trend which can directly be linked to the timing of these incidents i.e. weather, summer, winter etc. An example of a High Potential incident was shown that could have had fatal consequences. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

Marine Safety Forum Update – Alistair MacDonald, MSF
Alistair showed examples of incidents that have occurred on the ships that are operating in our region. Several of these are back-loading activities where items have been left on the side of containers. The MSF statistics covered from 2006 to date. The trend of incidents that have occurred has increased and the projected figure for 2011 could be in excess of 130 incidents. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

Our Campaign – Loek Sakkers, SNS Pool
The SNS Pool/ NOGEPA have also seen an alarming increase of loose objects that have a potential to drop. This trend is a 286% increase throughout 2010. These slides included examples of objects in-situ. An overview of the Campaign was described. There is also a short presentation shown at the heliport in Den Helder that all passengers see before the travel offshore. This campaign will have a 2nd phase commencing in July. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 
Follow this link to download the poster set. 

DORIS – Neil Marr, BP
Neil recapped on DORIS and we saw the purpose of the database. A general overview was given and we saw the statistics that are currently available. Highlights show that Other Operations is the highest area of concern, followed by Drilling and Maintenance. Top 3 causes recorded are Failed Fixtures and Fittings, Inadequate Securing and Corrosion. Currently there is still only a handful of members inputting data. To make this a success, all members are encouraged to use the database for inputting their data. If you do not have your log on and password, please email 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

HSE Update – Donald Dobson, HSE
The 2011 year to date dropped object statistics as registered with the HSE were presented by Donald. These were broken down into 2008-2011 stats and also the 2011 quarterly total. The presentation highlighted areas where the incident occurred. A description list of a few incidents that were reported was also included. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

A Static Dropped Object Incident – Ron Martin, WGENS
Ron gave an overview of the background surrounding the incident. As the operations team were in the process of extending out loading arm 2, a 12” pinch bar fell and landed on the deck of the vessel causing no injury or damage. The most likely point of origin was assessed as being from the area of the Apex joint approximately 10m above the deck. No personnel were in the immediate vicinity at the time that the object fell but were present on the deck area just prior to this incident and they had been within 3ft of the dropped object. The pinch bar is approximately 12” in length and weighs 750g. In the days prior to the incident, maintenance work had been carried out on the Apex joint of the arm to replace a faulty seal. The presentation includes Incident Findings and Corrective Actions. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

Dropped Object Prevention Systems Overview – Ian Dixon, Noble Corporation
Ian presented an overview of the Noble system that has been implemented across their European fleet. The slides included a flowchart of work and how they split the derrick for inspection purposes. We also saw highlighted areas of concern and the correction actions that are in place to prevent Dropped Objects occurring. These included removing defects at the time of detection, maintaining a “live” derrick inventory and ensuring all safety alerts are followed and implemented where appropriate. We saw an accompanying CD that demonstrates how their maintenance logging system works – this has hyperlinked photos of each item that should be inspection. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

Focus Group updates and discussion – Greg Reid, DROPS
Greg opened the discussion with a few safety alerts that we have recently received. He followed on with the Focus Groups updates and the Recommended Guidelines for the Safe Use of Tools & Equipment at Height was discussed and issued. This Recommended Guideline is now available to download here. Volunteers were asked to participate in one or more of the below groups - (please click on workgroup to register your interest / participation) 

  • DROPS Training Update
  • Green Hat Induction
  • Roadshow Awareness Pack / Programme
  • Design / Legislative / Manufacturing Phase Considerations

An invite will be issued for those who have volunteered for Groups 1-3 to attend a training event on 12 May 2011. Thereafter these Focus Groups will then work on their own deliverables with updates given at each future forum.