DROPS Focus Groups
At the final Forum of each year, Global DROPS and Regional Chapters (through the suggestion, discussion and consensus of the attending delegates) establish the main DROPS Focus Issues for the year ahead.
For Global DROPS, this would include 3 or 4 main focus issues supplemented with quick-hit issues to be addressed through the year. Focus issues may also be established at a regional level. Examples of previous Focus Issues have included:
- Establish a DROPS Training Program
- Establish Secondary Retention Guidelines
- Establish Backloading Guidance
The DROPS Train The Trainer Program was conceived and developed by a DROPS Focus Group
Previous examples of quick hit issues include:
- Poster campaigns for single-issue topics, eg forklift pocket debris awareness
- Development of pre-job DROPS checklists
- Seasonal DROPS Awareness campaigns etc.
For each main Focus Issue, volunteers are invited to join a Focus Group. The Focus Group kicks off with a short workshop meeting to discuss, agree and note the realistic deliverables of the Focus Group by year end and prepare an outline plan and timetable towards those objectives.
Thereafter, the Focus Group would pursue their objectives outwith the Forum arena, reporting back to the Forum and Steering Committee on progress.
The final deliverable, eg a presentation, process, procedure or guidance, is subject to Forum approval before release to the DROPS membership and broader industry, as appropriate.