DROPS Asia-Pacific Chapter
For contact information click here.
DROPS Asia-Pacific was established in 2009 to bring regional influence to the DROPS campaign. We are actively engaged in promoting DROPS best practice throughout the region. Regional events, communications and activities are co-ordinated by the Regional Secretary with support from Regional members and DROPS Global.
DROPS Asia exploit online solutions to host web-based seminars which are free to join and view at a later date. Please see the main Events Page for the next DROPS Asia Webinar, or follow the above link to view previous events.
We are currently doing a needs assessment for DROPS Training in the region. If you are interested to attend a DROPS Train-the-Trainer Course, please write to secretary@dropsasia.com

DROPS Day in Brunei on 28th October organised by the Brunei TSW HSE Network, Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) and DROPS Asia.