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DROPS FORUM - Doha, Qatar, 28th November 2011


Opening Address – Stewart Logan/Olav Skar, Qatar Shell 
Stewart and Olav opened the Forum and thanked Gulf Drilling International for hosting the event. Around 100 attendees were present from a variety of oil and gas related companies. This was the 3rd meeting in the Middle East in 12 months. The objectives of the meeting were outlined in the agenda and a focus on preventing DROPS occurring throughout the Supply Chain was highlighted. 

Allen Smith (DROPS Global) gave an update on DROPS and one highlight of the past year in the Middle East is the availability of an Arabic translation of the DROPS Reliable Securing Booklet and two of our Best Practices, Tools at Height and Red Zones. Many thanks were given to the Egyptian Drilling Company who took on this translation task. We now have several products in other languages thanks to our member volunteers and should anyone be willing to translate any of our other DROPS products, then please do not hesitate to contact DROPS Administration. 

Practical Steps to Eliminate Dropped Objects in the Workplace – Lee Hogan, Seadrill 
Lee gave a presentation that highlighted the various methods that Seadrill are using to help prevent dropped object incidents occurring. All the available DROPS products were highlighted, including DROPS Best Practices. The presentation can be adopted by any company in, in any industry. DROPS Training and communication are key elements to help keep the awareness level high for all employees. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

Supply Chain Best Practice – Jorgen Gammelgaard, Maersk Oil 
A presentation from Maersk was given that demonstrated the inspection process that is undertaken to help prevent dropped objects. There are 700 units and between 40-50 units that are available for inspection every day before going to a rig/site. These inspections include searching forklift pockets, on top of containers and inside skid frames. A man lift is used to inspect the trucks and containers from the top. This is to eliminate any potential dropped object from occurring. Some slides displayed items that were found during inspections and several of these items had been backloaded from offshore. 

Maersk are also checking their containers for any issues with corrosion and fittings failures. Food containers are regularly a source of items left at height and engagement with these suppliers is continuing. 
Follow this link to download the presentation.

Transport & Logistics Workgroup Initiative – Stewart Logan, Qatar Shell 
We heard about a new initiative undertaken in Qatar by the companies that are involved in logistics. This was created because of an incident involving and overweight lift and Qatar Shell met with their logistics counterparts. This group has evolved and now in existence is the Qatar Logistics Workgroup. They had their first meeting in June and had over 30 attendees from 14 companies. Subsequently, 2 other meetings have taken place and a set of goals have been developed. These are along the lines of the UK Step Change for Safety & Safe Packaging and Handling of Cargo Guidelines. A small booklet was created and given out to all attendees. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

We also advised that DROPS will have an update of the UK OGP Safe Packing and Cargo Handling Guidelines in the first quarter of 2012 to share with all members. 

DROPS Statistics and Consequences – Allen Smith, DROPS 
Allen gave an overview of DORIS – DROPS Statistical register. The overview of the current statistics held in DORIS was shown and these have not changed in the past year. The top 3 causes are still the same from 2010 to 2011. There were 80 recorded incidents from January 2011 to date. 55 of those were Actual and 35 were potential incident, and 90% of them were from offshore related activities. There is a similar trend in categories between actual and potential incidents namely mostly equipment parts and manual tools. 

These statistics demonstrate that personnel were exposed on over 30% of incidents. The populated incidents are all from the European sector, and DROPS expects the global input of data to grow throughout 2012. All members with log on details were urged to input their data. If you do not yet have your log-on please e-mail DROPS DORIS Administration. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

Scaffolding Restricted Work Case Incident – Bill Shand, Shell 
Presented was an incident whereby a scaffold worker was hit by a scaffolding board. The Scaffolder had been assigned to pass material via a ten man chain. This is a normal practice but unfortunately in a re-enactment of the scenario, it was discovered that the feeding of the line had been too fast compared to the lowering. Communication protocol was not included in the training given and the JHA was generic. To try to prevent these kinds of incidents occurring again, highlighted to all scaffolders will be the realisation that each task is a new one, even if it was similar to one before. And that training correctly reflects what is in the Procedures.
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

Open Session – Our Commitment to Dropped Object Prevention in the Middle East Region - All 
An open session commenced whereby all individuals were invited to populate a Middle East DROPS Prevention Commitment statement. Good quality discussions were held within each group and a lengthy output of ideas were generated. These will be categorised and studied by the Steering Committee. In the near future, a Commitment statement for the Region will be issued to all members. This will configure the way forward for DROPS Middle East. 

Closing Summary & Thanks – Gulf Drilling International and Qatar Shell 
Everyone was thanked for attending and making the 3rd Middle East forum a huge success. This meeting was particularly interactive and included an audience who are full of enthusiasm and energy for helping to prevent Dropped Objects happening. A special thank you was given to Gulf Drilling International for hosting such a successful and informative event. Please follow this link for details of forthcoming DROPS events.

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DROPS Middle East Chapter, Doha November 2012.