DROPS FORUM - Vietnam, 28th June 2011
The second DROPS Asia forum for 2011 was held at the famous REX hotel at the centre square in Ho Chi Minh City on the 28th of June. The forum which was generously sponsored by PV Drilling, was attended by over 70 participants from the Vietnamese Oil & Gas industry. As most of the participants had not attended a DROPS forum before, the Asia steering committee worked together with the PV Drilling HSE team to deliver a good introduction to dropped object prevention.
Opening Address – Nguyen Tien Hung, PV Drilling
After the safety briefing, PV Drilling HSE Manager Nguyen Tien Hung opened the forum. Hung welcomed all the participants and speakers to the first DROPS Asia forum in Vietnam. The Vietnamese drilling industry is rapidly expanding and as part of that, PV Drilling currently has 3 rigs operating and one more under construction. From the start, it was recognised that dropped objects are one of the major safety concerns on the drilling rigs. Several initiatives have been adopted, but more can be done to reduce this risk. He hoped that this forum would help to raise awareness and generate and share ideas to tackle this problem.
Introduction to DROPS – Leong Weng Fei, DROPS Asia / Baker Hughes
DROPS has been setup as an industry initiative for sharing best practices for dropped objects prevention. It comprises of over 100 member companies from mainly drilling contractors, operators, service companies and equipment suppliers. To increase awareness in the region, the DROPS Asia Chapter was established in 2009. The current DROPS Asia forum is the fourth being held since its inception. All forums have been free of charge for members and non members through the sponsorship of Baker Hughes, Shell, Seadrill and now PV Drilling.
DROPS have developed a good selection of best practices and case studies which can be downloaded from www.dropsonline.org. Through the DROPS Asia or global Secretary, members and non members are encouraged to contact us to ask question about specific DROPS issues your company may be facing. We might refer you to best practices or case studies online or get you in touch with a subject matter expert who is willing to help.
Follow this link to download the presentation.
Dropped Object Incidents Statistics and DROPS prevention on PV Drilling rigs – Ian Miller, PV Drilling.
PV Drilling has been operating for about 4 years. It currently has a fleet of 3 Jack-Up rigs and has one tender barge under construction. Since the start of operation, PVD has had 13 dropped objects, fortunately without any injury to personnel. Since the first rig was delivered, PVD implemented a DROPS policy. This included several awareness initiatives such as the translation of the reliable securing and several awareness posters into Vietnamese. Through internal communication channels such as tv screens in the dining hall, employees are made “DROPS Aware”
One of the dropped object on the PV Drilling rig involved metal name plate which was riveted to a piece of machinery coming off due to corrosion in 2010. Around the same time that this incident happened, it was identified by a different drilling contractor a potential DROPS. By frequently sharing these lessons at forums and through the DROPS website, hopefully other companies may be able to prevent these incidents from happening.
Follow this link to download the presentation.
Tools at Height Animated Video by GoHomeSafe.
View a sample of the video on youtube
Tools for Working at Height – Joachim van der Meulen, Stopdrop Tooling
Drilling contractors have managed to dramatically reduce their static type dropped object incidents caused by corrosion and vibration through a combination of improved engineering, regular inspection and secondary retention. The awareness campaigns of DROPS have been instrumental in achieving this. Now that this type is much better controlled, dynamic dropped objects account for a large proportion of reported incidents. One large drilling contractor estimates as much as 90% is a dynamic type incident. Tools account for about 10 to 20 percent of this.
DROPS have developed and improved a best practice document for tethered tools. This document was developed by a workgroup of drilling contractors, operators and tool manufacturers. It must be noted that the document is not a standard that must be followed to the letter, but more of guide.
Stopdrop have supplied the drilling industry with dedicated designed tools for working at height for about 6 years. Nearly all drilling rigs offshore Vietnam utilize our products. Usage is ever expanding from an initial one tool kit for the derrick to each department and every single job that is above 2 meters. Some new products include department specific kits, custom kits, Insulated tools and several tools that a no longer the modified type, but built from scratch for working at height.
Follow this link to download the presentation.
Red Zones & No Go Zones Animated Video by GoHomeSafe
View a sample of the video on youtube
Red Zones & No Go Zones – Maersk Drilling, Christian Pedersen
This presentation focuses on the implementation of the red zone scheme onboard the Maersk Completer operating offshore Brunei.
Various contractors have various terminologies for this and ways of addressing the issue, but the common theme is that when work is conducted overhead, there is a higher chance of dropped objects. By implementing red zones, those dropped objects are less likely to harm any personnel.
The presentation slides show various examples of how this is and other dropped object related issues are addresses on board the Completer.
Follow this link to download the presentation.
Follow this link to DROPS Guidance on Red Zones.
Dropped Object Management in Production Platform Construction - Tran Phuong Dong, Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (BD POC)
There is a high potential for dropped objects during any large construction project. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of workers are working on various parts of the structure. In such projects it becomes a really challenge to create a safe working environment for all parties involved.
During the construction of the Bien Dong production platform, several measures were taken to prevent dropped objects as well as reduce the impact of any that do happen. Some of these measures included: kickboard on scaffolding, securing of tools and no go zones when lifting.
Crane & Skip Operations Animated Video by GoHomeSafe
View a sample of the video on youtube DROPS Guidance Documents - Leong Weng Fei, DROPS Asia / Baker Hughes
A wide range of DROPS guidance documents, best practices and case studies are available for download from this website. Leong highlighted a few of them including:
Tools at Height
Survey and Inspection
Red Zones
PreTask Checklist
Follow this link to download the presentation.
Open Floor & Any other Business
After a Q&A session, Leong and Hung closed the forum and thanked the speakers and participants for attending. PV Drilling treated the group to a traditional Vietnamese meal at the Rex Hotel.