DROPS Forum - Rio de Janeiro, 19th April 2012
Allen Smith of DROPS opened the Forum with a round of introductions and offered special thanks on behalf of DROPS and all delegates to Axess, the main event sponsors.
DROPS Overview – Allen Smith, DROPS
Allen delivered an overview of DROPS aims and objectives. DROPS is committed to eliminating dropped objects throughout the oil and gas supply chain. DROPS collaborates with many other industry sectors that face similar challenges. DROPS hold regular worldwide forums and training events and employ a workgroup model to deliver products and tools designed to improve dropped object prevention performance.
Allen offered a brief overview of some of these products and focused on the basic content of the DROPS training materials. Further information can be found on the DROPS website under ‘Guidance Documents and Best Practice’. Translated (Portuguese and Spanish) guidance and poster downloads also available on this website!
The Way to Improve your DROPS Safety – Oyvind Hogset, Axess
Axess have considerable experience in providing DROPS surveys, inspections and support to a wide range of customers in many regions worldwide. Employing the fundamental DROPS process of hazard identification and assessment, control and continuous monitoring, Axess offer years of industry experience in establishing and maintaining dropped object prevention systems
Oyvind’s presentation drew attention to the challenges facing us all as we endeavour to eliminate dropped objects at the workplace. These identified that we should consider:
- Raising awareness of DROPS and associated policies and procedures
- Prioritising DROPS activities (particularly periodic inspections and close-outs)
- Providing good quality securing equipment and tools onboard (and appropriate training)
Oyvind concluded by highlighting the need to give DROPS prevention priority, make DROPS documents ‘live documents’, ensure rig crews relate to DROPS prevention techniques and systems – and ensure DROPS findings are closed out, not left for the next annual inspection!
Follow this link to download the presentation.
Stopdrop Safety Barricades – Josh Boord, BLH Safety Solutions
Josh gave a presentation on a novel safety guard / DROPS barrier concept that BLH Safety Solutions have developed. The guards are made from a polymer plastic formula and multi-fit to a wide variety of structures, such as handrails, scaffolding etc in order to prevent objects falling or passing and also to prevent access to moving or hazardous equipment. The barriers have a unique snap-lock system which means no bolts, screws or additional fasteners. The barriers also are anti-corrosive and cost effective as they need no on-going maintenance (ie checking for rust). They are recyclable and environmentally friendly. The product has been independently tested and certified to Australian standards and BLH are presently proving their product to UK and European standards. The product will be formally launched in the next few weeks and will be available to international markets thereafter. Examples were available for attendees to take away. For further information, please visit www.blhsafetysolutions.com
Follow this link to download the presentation.
DROPS Statistics and Consequences – Allen Smith, DROPS
Allen introduced DORIS, the statistical database DROPS members use to record, review and interrogate actual and potential dropped objects. Using the European statistics presently populating the database, Allen demonstrated various methods of interrogating, displaying and reporting the statistics, highlighting trends and spikes that can help us focus our prevention efforts. Members in the South American region were encouraged to review DORIS further and to engage in populating their own dropped object incidents into the system.
Please click here to access the DORIS database.
If you would like to upload your own data to DORIS and require secure member log in details, please email doris@dropsonline.org for a unique user ID and password. You should note that only one full user access ID can be registered per Member Company per region.
Secondary Retention – Lessons Learned – Johannes Du Toit, Ropetec
Johannes highlighted the need for industry to carefully consider the application of safety securing systems, particularly safety slings. Applying the DROPS process encourages asset owners to identify dropped object hazards and assess the associated risks before addressing preventive and mitigating controls. In some cases, safety systems such as safety slings were being installed without due consideration to how they would perform in the event of a dropped object incident. Johannes concluded with emphasising the requirement to understand the primary and secondary securing measures that already exist, inspect and maintain these first and foremost, then consider the most appropriate mitigating measure such as safety slings and nets to address the most likely cause.
Follow this link to download the presentation.
Competence or Complacency? – Alistair Tong, ADC
Alistair offered an overview of recurring problems ADC continue to witness throughout industry. Examples were shown of poor practice, unaddressed hazards, HiPo dropped objects etc. Alistair acknowledged the wealth of guidance, procedures, systems and tools at our disposal but questioned if more could be done to ensure the understanding and application of these resources and to assure the competence of those applying these resources. ADC has been active in providing training and hazard awareness sessions; they have developed a Dropped Object prevention element to their existing SQA Approved Virtual Academy. This e-learning package includes modules on defining a dropped object, identifying and assessing the hazard/risk, securing methods and a competency module complete with multiple choice assessment. The presentation is available to download with the minutes and Alistair has agreed to provide a demonstration of the actual e-learning package at our next forum.
Follow this link to download the presentation. For further information, please see The ADC Virtual Academy website or email Alistair directly here.
Open Floor and Any Other Business
Oyvind & Allen thanked everyone for their participation and invited the attendees to offer any issues for further discussion in the open floor session. Participants agreed to establish greater awareness of DROPS in the region and consider the content and focus for a future Forum. It was noted that any further discussions regarding DROPS in the Brazilian sector should include reference to existing legislative requirements. A networking lunch followed, which was kindly sponsored by Alpitec.