DROPS Forum - Stavanger Monday 22nd August 2016
DROPS Norway Forum Minutes
Oceaneering Offices and Training Centre, Stavanger
Welcome to DROPS – Ole-Christian Fjeld, Oceaneering
Ole-Christian Fjeld opened the meeting with a safety video from Oceaneering.
Oceaneering’s most severe HIPO of this year was from a dropped object and they acknowledge these incidents can happen anywhere at any time. Ole gave a short presentation that described the initiatives Oceaneering have undertaken to help prevent dropped objects. These focus on eliminating or engineering out work at height, where practicable. A Work at Height Lifesaving Rule is embedded in their Safety Management Systems. They apply the guidelines documented in the SfS Dropped Objects Handbook (aka Reliable Securing elsewhere). Their processes and procedures include dropped object checklists and regular DROPS sweeps. On their facilities, they use specifically designed “Tools at Height” Toolkits. Ole’s presentation is available to download here.
DROPS Overview – Greg Reid, DROPS
Greg followed on with an introduction around the room and updated the members on what DROPS has achieved globally over the past year.
DROPS International
DROPS North America Steering Committee is now formed and they have a meeting planned for November. Their initial initiative is to lead a Workgroup towards a common Wells-focused DROPS standard reference.
A DROPS Middle East Forum was held in Dubai in March and this was very well attended by the service companies. A yearly event is planned for the region.
Details of the annual DROPS Asia Chapter Regional Forum will be announced later in the year.
Details of all upcoming international events are available at www.dropsonline.org
DROPS Training
DROPS Train-the-Trainer sessions are regularly scheduled with details posted on website
DROPS training has recently been delivered in USA, Dubai, Oman, Bahrain, Azerbaijan and St John’s, Newfoundland. Greg reminded the attendees that the DROPS Train-the-Trainer programme has evolved and developed considerably over recent years into a far more comprehensive training package and resource. If it has been some time since your training was undertaken, we encourage you to consider a refresher.
Contact training@dropsonline.org.
DROPS Focus Groups
Greg provided a brief update on the current focus groups and reminded all that suggestions for quick hits, or larger issues can be emailed to admin@dropsonline.org
Split Pins – Applications and Alternatives – Lukasz Szadkowski, NOV
Lukasz opened his presentation with a brief overview of dropped object statistics within NOV since 2012. The trend is steeply upward with the number of reported incidents almost doubled. Some discussion around this trend considered better reporting as a major contributor but greater analysis and investigation is clearly required. The main focus of Lukasz’s presentation was on applications and alternatives for split pins. Various examples were shown and discussed. NOV are working on potential redesigns and offered their latest “cotter ring” concept for consideration. NOV demonstrated the design, safety, and ease of retrofit. Discussions ensued around various pros and cons and Lukasz welcomed the feedback for his engineering team. Ball lock pins were also reviewed and discussed. Issues around durability, contamination and integrity were dominant. NOV welcome further feedback (to Lukasz.Szadkowski@nov.com) and Lukasz’s presentation is available to download here.
DROPS Initiatives – Jan Olav Farstad, Safeteq
Jan Olav presented a synopsis on securing tools and equipment during work at height with reference to the corresponding chapter in the DROPS Reliable Securing booklet and SfS Dropped Objects Management booklet. He showed a short video made by SfS on work and tools at height. The video is one of many awareness presentations, posters and guidance available at www.samarbeidforsikkerhet.no and all members are encouraged to visit this excellent resource. Jan Olav continued with numerous, often shocking, examples of inadequate securing he continues to encounter in the field. He showed that homemade securing is still widely in practice and that certain equipment “designed” for work at height is clearly not. Jan Olav concluded that we must be clear in defining our requirements to equipment suppliers, that all tools at height should be secured and that redundant items should be removed from our worksites. He noted that there is a standard being worked on in Norway (NORSOK) which will address the testing and rating of tools, tethers and sundries for use or storage at height. DROPS will monitor and report on this initiative.
Working Together for Safety – Hugo Halvorsen, SfS
Hugo gave a short presentation on SfS’s successes and concerns within the Norwegian sector. Recent successes have included a number of safety films (including Tools at Height) and updated industry recommendations for contractual relationships. A work group was also tasked to review NORSOK R-003 lifting operations but this has now been captured in a broader review of all NORSOK Standards. Working under tougher financial restrictions, there is concern that too much is being handed over to the suppliers. SFS are looking forward to the changes in our updated DROPS Reliable Securing for potential impact on their version. They are working on a new film on galvanic corrosion and two new workgroups will be looking at Securing of Hoses and a review of breathing air systems guidance. Hugo invited comments or feedback on any of the issues discussed, and asked anyone interested in joining a work group to make contact via www.samarbeidforsikkerhet.no. Hugo’s presentation is available to download here.
Any Other Business
In an open floor session, Greg invited discussion on possible future Focus Groups and the following suggestions were made for consideration when DROPS agrees 2017 goals:
Secondary retention – develop a table that includes weight/dynamic testing? Hugo told the audience that there has been some work done in the past. Additionally, Axess has done some work here with wires and shock absorbers.
Human Factors / Behavioural issues. Greg advised on the brief work undertaken by DROPS and that we are looking at what is available in the industry, initially through Step Change initiatives.
- Securing of radios. Securing of tools around rotary, eg how do you secure a sledgehammer?
Ladder belt with buttons. What are alternatives? What happens if you’re in man-rider and belt gets caught?
DROPS Inspections and competency / certification of inspection companies.
Next DROPS Forum
Date: Thursday 1 December 2016
Time: 0930 - 1200 followed by Xmas Lunch
Venue: Urban Village Hotel, Aberdeen, UK
Host: DROPS Global Steering Committee Members
Greg and Ole thanked the members for their participation and the meeting concluded with lunch and networking.