Oman Society for Petroleum Services
OPAL – Oman Society for Petroleum Services is the first Society in Oman’s Petroleum Industry to be officially approved and registered in the Sultanate of Oman, on 27 October, 2001 under the regulations governing the formation of societies with the Ministry of Social Development. OPAL started as a concept in 1998, where by like-minded companies embarked on a vision to promote the industry standards and create level playing field.
OPAL is the industry forum society for Oman’s Petroleum Industry. It is a non-profit organization. Its more than 400 members are made up of Oil & Gas companies, including Oil & Gas Producers & Operators, Contractors and Suppliers – large and small.
OPAL aims to provide a single umbrella body to agree and promote standards of work competence and professionalism, with the vision of raising the standards of the Oman Petroleum Industry to become world class, internationally competitive, and optimize industries resources.
OPAL aspires to be foremost facilitating body to align Stakeholders objectives, moderate and address common challenges for the benefit of it members.
Leaders of the companies (MD’s, CEO’s and GM’s) meet quarterly to discuss areas of mutual benefit and consensus. An elected Board governs the society applying the highest standards of good corporate governance. OPAL employs a small Member of Team but effective executive team to implement its programmes and serve its members.
QHSE is OPAL’s key priority. OPAL’s aim is to achieve high aspiration and encourage QHSE best behavior and best practice which remains the top focus in the daily life of the industry. OPAL is working to help maturing companies, develop minimum QHSE standards. The imperative remains to strive for ‘target zero’ to achieve no fatalities and no serious injuries in the industry safety performance.
Human Resources Development training scheme gives priority to employers’ needs and focuses on targeted training, which aims to enhance competence and work ethics. Employment being the objective and training is the enabler. OPAL has in the last eleven years facilitated the training and employment of some 9,000 Omanis.