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DROPS Guidance and Resources

DROPS Guidance and Best Practice

These documents represent ‘Best Practice’, as agreed by general consensus of the members of the DROPS Workgroup.

Certain processes and procedures detailed in these documents may require modification to suit specific locations, activities or facilities.

However, the underlying guidelines are considered best practice and are a recommended component of any integrated dropped object management scheme.

These guidelines are subject to regular review and update in response to improved methodologies and technologies.

With grateful thanks to our international members, DROPS is delighted to offer translated versions of these documents for download.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any industry organisation or body may apply the Best Practice guidance offered by the DROPS initiative throughout their own operations and activities. The Best Practice Guidance and Free Download elements available for download from this website may be copied in part or in full as required and employed in the fight against dropped objects worldwide.

These are available copyright free and include editable electronic templates.

Where appropriate, credit may be given to the DROPS initiative as the global resource for dropped object prevention guidance. However, under no circumstances shall the DROPS name, brand or identity be used to promote or endorse any service, product, programme, promotion or publication.

Distribution and further application Rights of any Presentation content or Incident Reports available through this website, and all Third Party supplied video materials available through subscriptions or otherwise, are strictly controlled by the Owners/ Authors as stated.

These same conditions apply to DROPS materials supplied to members via the Campaign Pack process.

Any comments, suggestions or recommendations to improve any material should be notified to the issuing authority or author where they will be considered as part of the continuous review process.

Should you have any queries regarding these documents, please email DROPS Administration.