PSA Regional Update Sept 2014

Regional Update Sigurd Førsund, PSA
Sigurd presented an overview of the statistics reported to PSA. From 2002-2013 an average of 220 incidents related to falling objects were reported each year. In 2013 a total 258 were reported and this was the highest figure since 2008. An overview of the management regulations was described and an example of the reporting form was shown and explained. A breakdown of incidents showed that scaffolding work was a concern, representing 15% of all incidents occurring. Sigurd highlighted the difference between lifting operations and other operations. He noted the history of industry fatalities since 1994 noting the unacceptable numbers associated with dropped objects and more specifically the 9 fatalities related to dropped objects during lifting operations. Sigurd described some of the incident follow up processes, noting that the trend of lifting incidents had been analysed and a series of meetings held between PSA, oil Operators and Drilling Contractors. A joint work venture was establish to address the issues back in 2002 and the trend since then has shown a significant decrease, although incidents are still occurring. Ongoing work is continuing to build NORSOK standards for the safe use of Lifting Equipment.
- File Type
- File Size
- 496 KB
- Date
- 25 Sep 2014