UK HSE Statistics 2014 to February 2015

HSE Update Donald Dobson, HSE
HSE reported dropped object statistics for Drilling and Wells up to February 2015. Through 2014 there were over 85 significant dropped object incidents reported and analysis showed 20 of these were dropped objects within the Derrick and Well Operations, including a sheave hinge roller (4.5Kg) that fell 12m to rig floor; a Steel tube (2.9kg) falling 4.5m from the rig floor during operations; and a (3.5kg) cap from a test tree actuator that was dropped by a floorman 10m to the rig floor. Already in 2015, there have been four reported incidents, including a light fixture bracing (0.9kg) detaching and falling 10m to the rotary table during high winds.
Of the 2014 incidents, 20 were associated with Cranes and Lifting, including a moving diverter running tool (1100kg) falling to the catwalk, a fabric bag containing DP protectors (140kg) that detached from the crane hook and fell 3.6m to deck. 2 further Cranes/Lifting incidents have been reported so far in 2015
There were over 45 other dropped objects incidents in 2014 including: a section of corroded grating (1.2kg) that fell 19m from walkway to cellar deck and a redundant lighting bracket (2.2kg) falling 14.5m. For 2015, there have already been 7 reported incidents including a junction box (9.1kg) slipping from supporting ropes and falling 5m to walkway; and a section of cladding found missing from the accommodation and believed to have fallen into the sea in high winds.
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- 73 KB
- Date
- 26 Feb 2015