UK HSE Statistics Dec 2015

Donald Dobson HSE
Statistics of reported dropped objects for the UKCS (Wells) in the period to mid-November, 2015. The current trend indicates a continued fall in reported incidents, however, there have been well over 60 incidents recorded so far in 2015.
Analysis showed that on the rig floor, 14 incidents were due to dropped objects within Derrick and Well Operations. There were no recent Tubular Handling incidents reported to HSE, but several recent high potential dropped objects have included a top drive hose or winch wire that snagged the wireline gooseneck (5.6kg) and it fell 10m to deck.
Under Cranes and Lifting, 16 incidents were recorded through 2015, including a 5m hoist chain (22kg) that fell to deck and a section of crane boom stowage timber (2.6kg) falling 5.85m.
There were over 30 “miscellaneous” dropped objects incidents reported in 2015, including a metal bracket (5kg) falling 6m, an access hatch (5.8kg) falling 6.5m, a rubber mat (20kg) lifted by helicopter downdraft falling 18m and a 20kg door from an electrical cabinet falling 20m.
Statistics include those incidents that may be associated with ageing assets - interesting data interrogation on some 100+ incidents (since 2013) presented by age and type of installation. The largest group of incidents appear to be associated with fixed offshore installations aged 31-35 years.
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- File Size
- 380 KB
- Date
- 7 Dec 2015