UK HSE Statistics February 2016

Donald Dobson HSE
Statistics of reported dropped objects for UKCS (Wells) through 2015 and with particular focus on the period from December 2015 to February 2016.
Analysis showed that among the 2015 incidents on the rig floor were 16 dropped objects within Derrick and Well Operations, including a spanner (0.3kg) that detached from the lanyard and fell 64m to pipe deck. There was one further incident reported for 2016 - a piece of iron (7.75kg) that fell 20m and struck an IP’s hard hat.
The statistics from Crane and Lifting operations showed 17 incidents recorded for 2015, including a 3.6kg inspection hatch that fell 7.6m from a crane air intake. There were 3 further incidents in this category for 2016 including a 14kg steel section caught by a tag line, falling 5.4m to level below.
There were over 30 other dropped objects incidents in 2015 that did not fall into a defined category and these included: redundant vent pipe cowling (1.8kg) falling 10-15m to cellar deck in high winds; fibreglass cover (7kg) detached by wind to fall 6.8m to walkway. Already for 2016, there have been There were 7 incidents in this undefined category, including: steel cladding (7kg) falling 5.5m; 9 scaffold boards (18kg each) dislodged during high winds and falling between 3m and 11m.
Further analysis was presented of the Dropped Objects statistics by Age of Platform, MoDU, Flotel, and FPSOs.
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- 420 KB
- Date
- 25 Feb 2016