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DROPS Forum - Aberdeen, 26th April 2012

Greg Reid opened the Forum and gave a Safety Brief. Introductions were duly made around the room. 

DROPS Update – Greg Reid, DROPS
MEMBERSHIP: Greg welcomed the following new members to DROPS:

DROPS INTERNATIONAL: The inaugural South American DROPS Forum was held last week in Rio. Kindly sponsored by Axess, the event was a huge success with a large, passionate and interactive attendance. The minutes are now available to download. 

Our retired DROPS Asia Secretary, Joachim van der Muelen, has returned to his role. We await details of the revised DROPS Asia steering committee restructure. A DROPS Asia Forum is planned in Singapore on June 27th - register at An Australian DROPS forum is presently being considered for Brisbane - discussions are ongoing with Arrow (Shell), Santos and Moduspec. 

DROPS TRAINING: Since last forum, DROPS Training and Awareness has been undertaken in Ghana and Brazil, with several sessions at Silverdot in the UK. Training is planned for Angola, Mozambique and Ghana over the next two months. DROPS Train-the-Trainer sessions will continue to be hosted in UK regularly through 2012. 

DROPS FORUMS: Forthcoming UK Forums will be held on:

  • Thursday 6 September at Marcliffe Hotel, Aberdeen
  • Thursday 4 October at Sprowston Manor Hotel, Norwich (Training will be also available)
  • Thursday 6 December at Marcliffe Hotel, Aberdeen
  • A Norwegian Forum will be held on Friday 1 June at Statoil’s offices in Stavanger
  • A Singapore Forum will be held on Wednesday 27 June at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel

Check the Events section of the website periodically for details of other international forums, including events planned later in year for DROPS USA and DROPS Middle East 

INDUSTRY EXCHANGES: We have accepted an invitation to present to the Marine Safety Forum next month. Norway’s OLF advise they are now to be known as The Norwegian Oil & Gas Association. 

DROPS BACKROOM: The DROPS Backroom Team dealt with many requests for information on DROPS membership – nearly all non-European companies and organisations. Among the many other enquiries and comments, there were:

  • Several enquiries seeking clarification on use of the DROPS Calculator, in particular, a prevailing misconception that 1.8m should be deducted from the fall height in lieu of an average person’s height. This is categorically not the case as was demonstrated in Allen Smith’s presentation later in proceedings; Numerous requests for clarification and guidance on securing methods and equipment
  • Several members seeking assistance initiating Hazard Hunts
  • Several emails praising the Oil & Gas UK Cargo Handling pack issued with our updates in February
  • Good feedback on our DROPS member certificates and the new USB format campaign pack updates. Greg noted that from May 1st, all new Campaign Packs will contain a single USB bearing all documentation, presentations, posters, programs and materials previously held over the six annual update CDs. The campaign pack material has been rationalised and is now presented under a simple menu structure on the USB

PROMOTING DROPS: We accepted an invitation to present DROPS at a Lunch and Learn event at Senergy. As a result, we hope to welcome Senergy into DROPS soon. We declined an invitation from Aquaterra to supply props/materials for their Open Day, to attend the event and to extend invites to the DROPS membership. 

FOCUS GROUPS: The 2012 Focus Groups met pre-Forum and provided brief updates later in proceedings. For 2012 Quick Hits, Greg noted that we are developing a fresh DROPS poster campaign. Design ideas or suggestions are welcomed and should be submitted to 

SAFETY ALERTS: Thanks to all who sent in dropped object alerts. Two batches of Safety Alerts were issued to the DROPS community since last Forum and all Alerts featured in today’s Forum are now available for download. Please continue to submit your dropped object alerts, lessons learned or good practice to 

NEW PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: Greg advised that Latchways Fall Protection and ADC would later present new products to the Forum, noting that DROPS welcome short non-commercial presentations and demonstrations of any novel product, service or technique. Contact for further details.

DORIS – Allen Smith, DROPS 
Allen began with a recap on the DROPS calculator, showing how it works using several examples and reiterating and demonstrating why there should never be any subtraction from the fall height. In his overview of DORIS statistics to date, Allen advised that the data set had grown thanks to continued DROPS member input, but that 95% of the data is from the North Sea region and nearly all data is contributed by just 7 members. However, interesting trends are now emerging from the 123 actual dropped objects and 42 potential incidents now recorded in DORIS:

  • Over half the incidents are in the category Equipment Parts
  • A growing percentage of actual incidents are HiPos
  • Personnel were exposed in over 30% of the incidents recorded
  • Most actual incidents are happening during the morning shift but most potential incidents (eg hazards spotted during sweeps and hazard hunts) are recorded near end of shift
  • Member input was congratulated and a suggestion was made that the 7 main contributors be named / noted. Allen advised that a useful Excel file has been prepared to assist members in gathering DORIS data. The DORIS Focus Group will also look into an information / promotional flyer to provide guidance to all on using DORIS and to encourage further and broader input

Follow this link to download the presentation (including Excel spreadsheet). 

Poor Tool Management – Pat Bonner, TAQA 
Pat provided an update on a safety alert previously issued to all members earlier in the month. The incident occurred during a platform clean-up when a piece of hose was identified as being redundant. The hose was routed at height over some pipework and cable tray. As the worker fed the hose back over the pipework, it looped over the cable tray and when pulled it dragged along the cable tray catching and pulling an 18inch set of stilsons (adjustable wrench) off the tray-work landing on the deck 1 metre away. On further investigation, other items were found lying on cable trays, including a 2lb mash hammer and a section of scaffold pole. In response, TAQA are arranging an abseiling survey of all cable trays and they are raising workforce awareness by promoting effective tool management and good housekeeping - the job is not finished until all tools are returned! 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

Cone of Exposure – Greg Reid, DROPS 
Greg presented on behalf of Chevron. The cone of exposure describes the potential geographical extent of the hazard of a falling object during a lifting operation or when working at height. It was highlighted that the cone of exposure extends as the load or activity gets higher and that other factors can have an influence, such as wind direction, a load’s properties, movements and centre of gravity etc. The presentation emphasised the need for relevant and appropriate Risk Assessment / Lift Planning before the task is undertaken. A series of photos contrasted poor hazard awareness with workers shown in the cone of exposure against safe examples with workers outwith the cone. Consensus among the forum was that this was a useful presentation and we should consider using it as a basis for a DROPS Quick Hit awareness product (with Chevron’s approval). 
Follow this link to download the presentation.

Inertia Reels – Tim Ollier, Latchways 
Tim described and demonstrated Latchways’ new and innovative fall protection system known as ManSafe SRL. The demonstration showed the product’s function, features (including secondary retention) and servicing requirements. Tim also demonstrated Latchways’ work harness with integral escape unit. For further information, please or email 
Follow this link to download the Data Sheet. 

Incident – Conductor Pipe Protection Collar – Allen Smith, DROPS 
Allen presented details of an incident that ASCO wished to share with the forum. During the lifting of a conductor pipe, the protection collar fell off onto the rig deck. Investigations discovered that the protectors are all checked but no physical tightening is undertaken. ASCO have taken actions to raise awareness of the hazard, to encourage vigilance and to address and report incidents where slackness is observed. In open forum discussion, a suggestion was made that adding a paint stripe may give an immediate visual indication that there has been collar movement. It was also suggested that a label or tape system (as presented in December 2011 Forum) could be helpful. Steering Committee will discuss if this is a suitable Quick Hit topic. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

Virtual Academy Update – Alistair Tong, ADC 
Alistair presented details of an e-learning package titled “Understanding Dropped Objects” that ADC have developed as part of their Virtual Academy. The scope and depth of content was demonstrated, including the provisions for trainee assessment / assurance and training management / administration. Quoting consistency and ease of access as key product benefits, Alistair stated that the product recognised DROPS best practice and presented no conflict. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. For further information, please see The ADC Virtual Academy website or email Alistair directly here. 

Hazard Hunt – Redundant Equipment – Mike Fraser, Archer 
On behalf of Archer, Mike shared the results of a Hazard Hunt Campaign recently undertaken to identify and remove redundant equipment. The hunts were undertaken in response to an increase in dropped object incidents. The presentation showed photos of a broad array of items and hazards identified during the hunts and all items have since been removed. In subsequent open forum discussion, members noted common findings in the types and locations of items, and all agreed on the value of undertaking regular hazard hunts. Several noted the behavioural interface and suggested this may be an area for our Behavioural Issues Focus Group to look into. 
Follow this link to download the presentation. 

2012 Focus Group Workshop – Greg Reid, DROPS 
Greg confirmed that legacy focus groups continuing into 2012 are DORIS, DROPS Translations and DROPS Training & Campaign Packs. There will also be Quick Hit action teams assembled as necessary. For the three new 2012 focus groups, it is recognised that Summer 2013 is a more realistic target for deliverables. Greg invited Team Leader to update the Forum. 

Representing the Reliable Securing / Technical Review Focus Group, Keith Little advised:

  • Main objective is to update and extend the scope of the Reliable Securing Booklet and develop a review process to consider potential new inclusions
  • An update is presently underway to the Norwegian version of Reliable Securing (expected June 1st) and plan is initially to review this and glean applicable new data
  • Document will be broken into manageable sections for initial piecemeal review via email exchange
  • Focus Group will meet prior to each Aberdeen Forum

Representing the Dynamic DROPS Focus Group, Allen Smith advised that this Focus Group meeting could not progress due to late call-offs by Group members. However, Allen will facilitate initial data gathering in advance of the next Aberdeen Forum with a focus on:

  • Clarifying the terminology
  • Considering kinetic DROPS
  • Reviewing collision checklists and how can we support these
  • Focus Group will meet prior to each Aberdeen Forum

Representing the Behavioural Issues Focus Group, Keith Fraser advised:

  • Group would initially focus on understanding the issues we have
  • Explore how to obtain knowledge from DORIS / Other members / Other sources
  • Consider if we are compliant
  • Focus Group will meet in May to progress
  • Focus Group will also meet prior to each Aberdeen Forum

Open Floor and Any Other Business
Greg thanked everyone for their participation and invited attendees to offer any issues for further discussion in the open floor session. 

Next Meetings 
Date: Friday 1 June 2012
Time: 0900-1215
Venue: Statoil Conference Center, Stavanger 
Host: Statoil

Date: Thursday 6 September 2012
Time: 0945-1230
Venue: Marcliffe Hotel, Aberdeen 
Host: DROPS Global Steering Committee Members