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DROPS Forum - Kuala Lumpur, 8th May 2013

Greg Reid opened the Forum and gave a Safety Brief.

DROPS Update - Greg Reid, DROPS

Membership : The following new members were welcomed to DROPS - Qualitech Inspeção, Brazil; JC International, Nigeria; D-Ocean Testing & Inspection, Singapore; Shenzen Firstrank Industrial Development, China; Mencast Subsea, Singapore; Black Lake, Iraq; Frigstad Offshore Drilling, Cyprus; PR Marriott, UK; Maersk Oil North Sea, UK; Latchways plc, UK; Suncor Energy, UK

DROPS International : The DROPS North America Steering Committee convened in March and is now actively promoting DROPS at a number of regional events including next week’s OTC and June’s ASSE in Las Vegas. A package of promo materials has been sent to assist. A DROPS USA Forum is scheduled for July 17th in Houston.

DROPS Asia will host a Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 8th May. Register online at The Asian DROPS Chapter are also planning 2013 DROPS events in China, Brunei and Singapore. Visit the Events Page for dates and details as they are announced.

Discussions are ongoing with key players in Middle East for a further DROPS event in the region (details will be posted as soon as available).

Visit the Events Page for further details on the above and all other DROPS events.

DROPS Training : Since last forum, several DROPS Train-the-Trainer sessions were delivered at Silverdot’s Banchory offices and sessions will continue to be hosted regularly in UK - see website for details. DROPS Train-the-Trainer was held in Houston in March and is fully subscribed for Kuala Lumpur on May 9th. Over the next few months, DROPS training is also planned for Australia, USA and Ivory Coast

2013 DROPS Forums for North Sea Region: Forums will be held in Aberdeen (Marcliffe Hotel) on Thursday 12th September and Wednesday 4th December.

A Forum is presently being planned in the Netherlands in October. The Forum will be in Den Helder and will coincide with SNS Pool Safety Day (date and venue to be advised)

This year’s Norwegian Forum will be held on Thursday August 29th at the Rica Airport Hotel at Stavanger Airport. Our DROPS Forum will form the morning session of a broader full day Norwegian Falling Objects Conference facilitated by Statoil. Invites will be sent out in due course.

DROPS Website : Good progress with overhaul of the website to improve member communications and navigation (incl search facilities). Improved features will also cover Event Management and Registration, Subscription and Membership Management functions, Working Areas and Drop Boxes for Regional Chapters/Focus Groups.

DROPS Backroom : Campaign Pack Updates were all issued in February / March. Thanks to all, particularly the Steering Committee, for their assistance in our response to growing volume of queries and requests. We always wish to hear of and share details of new products, practices, systems, tools and techniques that can help in our fight against dropped objects

Safety Alerts : A number of MSF safety alerts were highlighted and circulated around the tables. The first related to cargo handling and is available for download. The second related to a trolley and chain hoist falling from a lifting beam - download here. The final alert related to the parting of a crane wire - download here.

All members were invited to continue to share alerts and lessons learned with us - send details to

Asset Management / Automatic Tool Control System - Snap-on

Steve gave a brief introduction and overview of Snap-on’s DROPS-related products including their approach to Asset Management and innovative new tool control system. All members were invited to stay for a detailed demonstration to be held immediately after the DROPS Forum. Snap-on’s Automatic Tool Control System logs tools and recognises every tool in every drawer, identifying when any tool is taken from the box, who took it and when it is returned. This provides a total tool management system where each and every tool is accounted for. Snap-on provide a variety of tools, lanyards and pouches and all of their products have been drop tested both by Snap-on and an independent test authority. Product and Safety guides are all available as an essential part of the tools @ height system. The Snap-on presentation is available for download and further details are available directly from their website

DORIS and Reliable Securing Update - Allen Smith, representing Reliable Securing Focus Group

Allen presented some of the statistics currently held in DORIS and demonstrated some of the trends that are emerging. Even with only 5 operators inputting data, from Jan 2010 until April 2013 there are over 800 recorded incidents. The last year’s statistics, in the main, reflect the trends and patterns of earlier statistics. However, there are a few spikes and troughs that may demand further interrogation and would benefit from clearer data input. Over the past year 184 actual and 42 potential incidents have been recorded. The actual incidents showed that there was potential for 40 fatalities. Of all incidents, 57% were 2kg or less, 25% fell from 1m or less and Personnel Exposure showed no improvement to previous trends. DORIS has now been working for a year and the former DORIS Focus Group is being recalled (via email notification) to consider the improvements that are required to upgrade DORIS and to engage far broader data input. If any Members wish to join the reformed DORIS Focus Group, please contact As ever, Members are encouraged to continue to input their data. If you require a username please email .

Allen presented an update from the Reliable Securing Focus Group, showing the new look and structure of the document and highlighting the major changes that Revision 3 will reflect. The document is presently at working draft stage, with a draft due for DROPS review in Q3 and formal issue in Q4.

The presentation, covering DORIS and Reliable Securing, is available for download.

The FOG Concept - Jesper Rathke, Roblon

Jesper deliverd an enlightening presentation of Roblon’s new and innovative product known as the Fallen Object Guide (FOG). The product is in use in Norway on a BP platform and is essentially a “net” of cross-banded strapping made of high strength composite materials. The net is tethered to the rig with top and bottom frames extending through any void, aperture or channel where an object may fall, eg during drilling operations. As the FOG protects adjacent equipment from the impact of any falling object, other nearby operations can continue without any threat (eg no need for production shutdown). The composite “fabric” has many benefits over any traditional steel framing or caging... It is collapsible, flexible, stores and transports easily. It has remarkable strength. A tensile failure video demonstration was shown clearly showing the “popcorn” effect of the snapping fibres as a prelude to complete failure. While the FOG system is in place in a drilling application for BP Norway, there are other applications under consideration such as moonpool protection. Downscaled applications, using smaller “net” are being used in applications such as hose protection, handrail nets, etc. The presentation is available for download. Further details are available at, by email at, or by phone +45 96 20 33 30

HSE Update - Donald Dobson, HSE

Donald presented an overview of HSE statistics from Q3 2008 to Q1 2013 based on offshore UKCS incidents only. Analysis showed there is a similar trend across the years despite the positive work being undertaken to prevent dropped objects. However, Q2 for 2013 is so far looking very positive. Donald then looked at incidents in the period from Dec 2012 to April 2013 showing dropped object incidents versus other, lifting versus drill floor frequencies etc. He also gave a brief summary of the more significant dropped object incidents in that period. The full presentation is available for download.

DROPS Campaigning in Production Operations - Allen Smith on behalf of Sakhalin Energy

The presentation showed the safety commitment of Sakhalin Energy and their efforts taken to achieve top quartile safety performance. Regarding dropped objects, they began implementing a DROPS programme back in 2009 and have since adopted a number of best practices and procedures through DROPS and corporate (incl Shell) initiatives. However, 2012 brought an increase in dropped object incidents for Sakhalin Energy. The vast majority of these incidents were non-Drilling related and many were associated with the harsh climate and environmental factors of Sakhalin Island. Several specific incidents were discussed including a heat tracing terminal box cover that fell 5 metres - weighing just 50grams it should not be a serious threat, however, rather than falling vertically it took a gliding trajectory presenting a far more serious threat of a slicing or cutting injury. Other incidents included an item falling from the ceiling of the company creche, and a container falling from the back of a lorry. In response to the rise in incidents, a broad programme of DROPS training and awareness has been undertaken. A Dropped Object Prevention policy has now been implemented, with provisions in place to ensure DROPS specific inspections are carried out at all Assets; that proper tools at height are used; and that a formal Management of Change process is in place to check applicability and integrity of new/modified fixtures and structures. The presentation is available for download.

Tugger Incident - Donald Cumming, BG Group

Donald presented an overview of the incident where a sheave assembly head fitting was overloaded above its SWL, its head fitting sheared and fortunately the parts landed on a finger board. There was secondary retention installed and inspected but it also failed due to the overload. From the investigation it looked like the tugger line (which had been used recently) had got caught on a snagging point on the Kelly hose clamp which caused an unintended force to be applied to the parked tugger line as the Topdrive descended. During the investigation it was also observed that there was a manufacturing defect in the head fitting of the sheave which resulted in some threads being incomplete, therefore having reduced capacity. As these threads are critical for load bearing, the tensile capacity of the assembly was reduced. The threaded collar which retains the sheave to the head fitting is welded to the shank of the head fitting during manufacture and therefore cannot be effectively inspected during use. The failed components were sent for Engineering Analysis where the initial observations were confirmed and where the failure load was estimated to be 40 tonnes.

Destructive tests were carried out on 3 other sheaves of the same design, one new and two that had been used. One of these sheaves was from the same batch as the sheave that failed on the rig and it also parted at the same location, at less than the 48 tonne design load. The independent Engineering Analysis and test results were fed back to the manufacturer for their information.

DROPS members were previously asked if they had suffered from a similar incident and 5 members fed back information. Donald highlighted the feedback and thanked the members for their input. He also highlighted an article from the Drilling Contractor Magazine in 2006 that was submitted by Global SantaFe. Recommendations from this article included reviewing the design of the system (SWLs, Safety Factors and MBLs) so that the wire would preferably break first in the event of an overload and the installation of “weak links”.
The proposed way forward therefore includes:

  • A review of the design of the system as per GlobalSantaFe article recommendations.
  • The installation of “Weak Links” on the parking posts for both manriding and utility tuggers (different breaking strains for each though). These are not part of the lifting equipment and are only used when the tugger hooks are parked. The idea is that they rip when overloaded (at a load less than the SWL for the tugger) and extend to +/-30ft long, therefore reducing the overload but still retaining the hook safely.
  • A review of the tugger system to include enhanced lighting with more emphasis on lines and accessories that can potentially snag on travelling equipment.
  • Reinforcement of the requirement with people working on the drill floor to always check all lines are clear and fully in tension when parked.

Please contact Donald if you want to share any issues.

2012 and Legacy Focus Group Updates - Greg Reid, DROPS/ Alistair Tong, ADC

Greg recapped on Allen’s earlier update on the Reliable Securing Focus Group and reminded all that the Focus Group for DORIS would be recalled this Summer with new members welcome to join.

Alistair presented the status of the Behavioural Safety Focus Group. Over the coming months, guidance will be prepared for use with the Group’s behavioural safety poster presented at December’s Forum. This will be prepared and made available as a download package from the DROPS website. It has become apparent through the Focus Group’s research that StepChange have a well-resourced team presently active in addressing broader behavioural safety aspects and greater benefit could be gained by interfacing with the StepChange Team. As such, the Focus Group’s next objectives will be to explore this interface, to offer our findings to StepChange and to seek what we can derive from StepChange findings. The presentation is available for download.

2013 Focus Groups - Greg Reid, DROPS

Greg introduced the 4 new focus groups: Backloading; Post Newbuild/Refit DROPS Awareness; Asset Integrity; and DROPS Competency. Greg confirmed that each Focus Groups had at least six volunteers and that any members who had not volunteered could still do so today. Greg gave instructions for all new Focus Group volunteers to assemble at the end of Forum proceedings at designated tables in the venue. The Focus Groups were invited to meet and greet, to register who was present and any new volunteers. They were requested to agree an Interim Leader.

Over the next few weeks, the Interim Focus Group Leader will be contacted and invited to call the initial meeting/dialogue of their Group. DROPS will provide support and guidance on the way ahead to each group. It is hoped that each Focus Group will have met or discussed and agreed their outline objectives and methodology and appointed a formal Focus Group Leader in advance of September’s forum. The presentation is available for download.

Open Floor and Any Other Business
Greg thanked everyone for their participation and invited the attendees to offer any issues for further discussion in the open floor session. Greg reminded all that Snap-on were hosting a product demonstration and presentation after the Forum that all were invited to attend.