DROPS Forum - Aberdeen, Thursday 1st December 2016
DROPS UK Forum Minutes
Urban Village Hotel, Aberdeen
The meeting was opened by Greg and a safety brief was delivered. Round the room introductions followed.
Since last Forum, we are delighted to welcome the following new DROPS members:
3M - USA
UMC International - Singapore
Topaz Marine - UAE
DOM International – USA
PVD Offshore Services - Vietnam
Occidental Oman Inc - Oman
Kebar Petroleum - Saudi Arabia
Oceaneering International – UK
We are disappointed that membership has lapsed since last Forum for the following former members:
North Atlantic Drilling
Safety Grip
Rigspek Perkasa
Hatch Energy
First Integrated Solutions
Orion Rig Services
Greg thanked members for the majority’s prompt attention to membership renewals but noted 12 members with unsettled POs and 10 members expressing commitment to renew but as yet unpaid. 11 members remain unresponsive to repeated requests / communications. For all, failure to pay fees by December 31st will result in lapsed membership. Action is also planned to be taken on lapsed members continuing to falsely promote their membership or association with DROPS.
DROPS Global Steering Committee
Thanks to our Steering Committee for their support through 2016. We are hopeful that Centrica will be joining our Committee for 2017. Next Steercom meeting will be late January / early February.
DROPS North America
Chapter firmly re-established with Operator-led Steering Committee (6) and Leadership Team (40).
Quarterly meetings (Forum style) and major Regional Event last month attended by 200+.
Workgroup developing a common standard reference document for DROPS linking to DROPS guidance and best practice.
Commitment to assist DROPS Global with review of Red Zone best practice, Calculator upgrades and Self Verification checklists.
DROPS Saudi Arabia
Committee established with Nabors, Weatherford (WDI), Schlumberger, Halliburton, Repsol Sinopec and KPS with support from Saudi Aramco.
Remit to initiate a DROPS campaign in the region, identify and adopt best practice and share output with broader DROPS community.
Establish regular meetings, forums and communications.
To assist in translated DROPS material (Arabic, Hindi and others).
2017 DROPS Forums
For 2017, DROPS Global are committed to supporting major DROPS Events / Forums in USA, Asia, Middle East and Europe (UK and Norway).
Dates for 2017 Aberdeen DROPS Forums will be February 28th, April 27th, September 19th and December 7th. All at Urban Village hotel.
DROPS Training
Since last forum, UK DROPS Train-the-Trainer sessions have been held at Silverdot’s offices and further UK dates are scheduled and posted on website.
Training recently held in Middle East and Houston and currently being delivered in Oman.
Further training imminent in Middle East and Vietnam.
See Training section of www.dropsonline.org for details of all scheduled training or contact training@dropsonline.org for further information.
DROPS Networking and Marketing
DROPS presented and sat on the Q&A panel at a highly successful Liftex 2016 Conference at Aberdeen AECC on November 23rd/24th. Much discussion on and around dropped objects. 2 fatalities last week in New York add to the long list of 312 Crane/Lifting Operations fatalities since 1st January 2009.
DROPS marketing materials very well used by members, most recently by Amec Foster Wheeler. Banners, Snakes n Ladders, Literature etc all available to support your event. All requests to admin@dropsonline.org.
DROPS Focus Groups
The Reliable Securing Focus Group held their third meeting after last Forum. Their comment has now been captured and the document reformatted. Awaiting additional comment and cross check against new DROPS standard reference document before formal draft to Focus Group and Chapter Leads. Next review meeting after February UK Forum.
At next UK Forum, we will discuss and identify potential focus issues for 2017/2018
At any stage, we welcome suggestions for “quick hit” improvements, products or communications – send details to admin@dropsonline.org.
Presenters and Presentations
Greg thanked the Forum Presenters and noted topics to be addressed.
To nominate or request a presentation or table-top demonstration for consideration at a future DROPS event, contact us via secretary@dropsonline.org and continue to share alerts and lessons learned with us via admin@dropsonline.org.
Really? We should know better by now – Alistair Tong, ADC
Alistair summarised his role in DROPS management system assessments, tubular handling and incident investigations, and gave an overview of what is typically included in each topic. Photos were shown from recent field visits (land rigs) of potential dynamic and static dropped objects and Alistair highlighted recurring issues of lack of awareness, inconsistent standards and poor safety culture. His key findings identified a management reluctance to visit the operational worksite and missed opportunities to share learnings and best practice.
From recent inspections on North Sea platforms, Alistair noted many issues arising due to corrosion on these mature assets. Also, several examples were shown where superficial “repairs” had simply masked over or left corroded items in situ, suggesting a lack of understanding of the hazard / risk.
Alistair concluded with a review of the differences between warm/cold stack rigs and operational rigs regarding inspection and survey requirements. He presented a much abbreviated inspection schedule in respect of the former.
Alistair’s presentation is available to download here.
Preventing Dropped Objects Video – SfS Norway
Greg showed a video developed by SfS, Norway to raise competence levels and increase awareness for dropped object prevention. Topics addressed included: securing of tools aloft, tool logs, safety lanyards; safety bags and securing/attachment points; tool cabinets etc. The video will be issued with the 2017 member campaign pack updates. Further resources and awareness material can be found at www.samarbeidforsikkerhet.no.
Safety Barriers for Pipe Handling – John Large, Salunda
John presented on the “LatchHawk” fingerboard latch monitoring system developed by Salunda. A short video demonstrated how the product operates and a sample product was passed around the room. John noted that the product is compatible with most latch variants and can easily be retrofitted.
John’s presentation is available to download here. For more details visit www.salunda.com.
Near Miss during Cargo Shipping Operations – Colin Esslemont, Centrica
Colin shared an incident where a 450mm long 2kg pipe wrench was discovered inside a forklift pocket of a workshop unit that had travelled across the UK from Great Yarmouth to Aberdeen with the potential to cause a fatality during both transit and lifting operations. Immediate findings identified that the wrench was not discovered during pre-lift checks and it was also evident, through heavy corrosion, that it had been there for a long period (several years). The unit was wider than standard which made it more difficult for visual inspection / observation. Inadequate inspection procedures for these types of units was identified as a root cause and corrective actions duly put in place. These include all units to be checked if on board for lengthy periods (6 months) and containers wider than 2.4m to have Forklift pockets checked from both sides with a torch. Colin’s presentation is available to download here.
Near Enough video (Siemens)
A hard-hitting video made by Siemens Wind Energy with the storyline of a dropped object falling from a wind turbine resulting in a fatality. The video highlights the dangers of taking shortcuts and explores the attitudes, opportunities and challenges to incident reporting and the repercussions of failed reporting. DROPS is seeking permission to share the video in our 2017 member campaign pack updates.
An Operators Perspective – George McPherson, BP
George shared outline details and photos of two recent Hi-Po Topdrive incidents. The first was a door weighing 70kg which fell 21m, fortunately landing in a red zone in operation below. Inappropriate use of cable ties has been identified in this incident. A second incident saw an anti-rotation bracket weighing 5.3kg fall 30m and striking an IP below. The commonality between both incidents shows there was an opportunity missed by both maintenance and drill crews. Routine DROPS inspection by the rig crew and 3rd party inspectors also missed these. It was also clear that the potential for a dropped object to occur was not considered in the equipment design phase. BP will share more details of these incidents once all findings / corrective actions have been agreed.
In more general terms, George noted that 121 HiPO incidents have occurred within BP in 5 years and 74 of these were due to dropped objects (61%). The picture book inspection concept and the imminent DROPS standard reference will help eliminate these types of incidents.
One Incident, Many Lessons – Greg Reid, DROPS
Greg showed a very recent non- oil and gas incident that occurred in Aberdeen city centre. A roof slate fell from scaffolding and struck two workers some 4 storeys below. The slate struck the first IP on the shoulder (bruising and grazing) before deflecting to strike the second IP in a slicing manner in the leg. Graphic images portray the injuries – particularly the second IP who suffered a deep laceration to the leg. Greg made and discussed several observations… evidence why a person’s height should never be deducted from DROPS calculator (neither injury was to head)… Deflected objects (or bounced objects) may still retain sufficient energy to cause harm… DROPS calculator unsuitable for sharp objects. The presentation, including further incident findings and recommendations, is available to download here.
Open Floor and Any Other Business
Greg thanked the Steering Committee, the Regional Chapters and the Global Secretary for their assistance and support through the year. He remarked that 2017 would be a notable year for the production and issue of a number of significant DROPS products. He concluded and closed the Forum with a reminder to all to consider potential 2017 focus issues for discussion at February’s Aberdeen Forum.
Next meeting:
Date: Tuesday 28 February 2017
Time: 0930 -1200
Venue: Urban Village Hotel, Aberdeen
Host: DROPS Global Steering Committee